The cutting method of the laminating product

Date:2016-11-12    Font size:Big  Medium  Small

The first cutting method of the laminating machine is to punch holes and then break the film after the laminating machine, this method is suitable for manual machinery.

The second is the hot knife slitting we will introduce:

1, hot knife cutting skills suitable for all films, especially PET film, aluminum plating film, etc., is characterized by: high cutting speed, accurate cutting, no tail film, can smoothly enter the next process without adding manual.

The laminating machine of this cutting method is suitable for the packaging of high-grade cartons, such as high-grade wine, cosmetics, high-grade nutrient supplements and exquisite packaging of food.

2, with hot knife active laminating machine can directly do gold, silver card paper. In many wine, fancy dress category of exquisite packaging above, widely used in a variety of colors of gold and silver paper, these gold and silver paper cost is relatively high. With aluminized film in hot knife laminating machine can directly film out all kinds of gold and silver paper, not only very good effect and greatly save the cost, according to the full sheet of paper to calculate, each saving about 0.8 yuan, which is a very considerable amount of money.

3, with the hot knife active vertical laminating machine can also directly do colorful glue. At present, the laminating category has presented a new bright spot ----- colorful laminating glue, its birth for the laminating technology has added a bright color.

The third kind of cutting method is to use "chain knife", but there are tail film, broken film, especially thick paper, tail film is more significant, which has an impact on the next process.

The fourth kind of cutting method is to use a rapidly rotating flying knife to cut a notch on the coated goods, and then pull off, but the coated goods cutting is not accurate, but also simple waste products.